Sunday, December 4, 2016

Omaka scout camp

Omaka Scout Camp

Omaka scout camp is a great place go to whether your going on school camp, having a wedding or just want to stay there with friends.


This is an excellent place to go to relax, play or swim. The river going through the camp has pet eels in it, there is never any food wasted because if it's left over you can just feed it to the eels. Trees are scattered around the site so shade is never far away. On a great day on can walk down to the lake and swim or

The is a great kitchen that has great appliances, space and cutlery joint to the kitchen there's a dining hall, another hall for sleeping, tent sites and showers.

Thursday, September 1, 2016


This is my speech about the black sticks. At school we have been doing our speech's for 5 weeks than we presented it to our class i hope that you enjoy it.


This is the book I'm going to be reading it sounds like it's going to be funny and has a lot of humour in it. If you like books that are humorous this would be a book for you. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

ANZAC Inquiry

This is Mine and Phoebe's presentation on Training for war. I hope you like it and can you please comment on this to give feedback.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Pony Club

Today I helped do pony rides at Southbrook early learning centre's open day, there was a Shetland pony named jeff his owner was 4 so she calls him jeff after the wiggles. I led him around the car park lots and lots of times before he had to go home.The preschool kids loved it!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


On Saturday I had to get up at 6.15 so we could go to hockey at St Bede’s  school. When we got there Hornby was already warming up. We got out our sucks and started to warm up. We did drills for the next half hour then the refs called for the captains so we could start the game. I was on the sideline  line with the coaches for the first five minutes. I was put in Phoebe’s place and she went into the wing. After a long time it was half time we all came running in to get our drink bottles. In the second half of the game I was on the sidelines until the last five minutes of the game then I went back into Phoebe’s place. At the end of the game it was a draw one all. After the game I had to go to my team’s game.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Good books

This is the story that Zoe,Annabelle,selena and i are reading at school at the moment. It is based on a true story  about a town that has been taken over by turbans and girls are not allowed to leave the house. I’m not going to tell you anything else about it.  It’s a really good book and i think you should read it. My favorite thing is when they are traveling in the truck.

Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 10.16.59 AM.png

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The wolf

The wolf
The wolf was waiting deep in the woods for a little boy named Joe. Joe  was a very bad little boy, so the wolf was sent to come and find him. He could smell and hear him that means he's close thinks the wolf. He walked around the corner and there was Joe whistling to himself. The wolf crept up to him then…. BOO! Joe leapt out of his skin and started to run away, he thought that the wolf was going to eat him. The wolf was very concerned he didn't know why people always run away from him. So he sat where all of Joe’s stuff was left hoping that he would come back for it.

After Joe had been hiding from the wolf for hours and hours, Joe thought the wolf had been and gone by now so Joe went back to his stuff to find that the wolf had lit a fire and was roasting marshmallows for afternoon tea. This time Joe didn't run away because the wolf was standing on two legs and talking to him about why Joe had spray painted the whole town, after all this was why the wolf was sent to find him in the first place.
They had been talking for a while and the wolf knew why Joe had painted the town in spray paint. It was because Joe’s father had just recently died in a car crash so he had to let out his anger. Now Joe was crying because he was thinking of his father’s death. Wolf convinced Joe to come back to town with him so he could stay with his family, once they got to Joe’s family’s house they all were crying because they were so happy to see him !
The wolf stayed hidden while Joe was with his family because his boss said that he must not be seen by anyone else but Joe on this job because people will wonder why there is a wolf walking around on two legs and is talking to a little boy. When Joe came back out to see the wolf he wasn't crying he was smiling so they said their thanks and goodbyes then Joe left and was never needed in that town again because Joe put everyone in a good mood.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Length explain everything

Last term we were learning about measurement. The video below is an Explain Everything about Length as  this the topic we became experts in. We hope you learn something from this clip.

Friday, April 15, 2016


The blurb
Some friendships are meant to be ... Hope feels lost when her mum's boyfriend leaves. She loved Frank and he understood her better than anyone, even her mum. The only part of Frank left behind is his stubborn, old rescue-donkey, Harry. Hope promised to look after Harry, but maybe Hope needs Harry just as much as he needs her.

I am still reading this book at the moment but it has been good so far. Hopefully I will finish it soon.


Leaders Day
Today heaps of schools arrived at Leithfield school for leaders day. We all made nametags and said hello. Suzie was a person who ran the day she also had a friend that had gone to ,movie school and was filming some of us in a caravan. We talked about what our schools do and what we get involved in. We did some other activities then some music started playing all of us kids thought that it was very strange that the teachers were dancing around the hall like monkeys, but we joined in, it was quite fun in the end. A video was played about leaders and we wrote down who we thought was a leader, why they are a leader and what leaders do. We screwed our papers in a ball then threw  them around the room once Suzie  said stop we had to find a piece of paper then the last person to stop moving had to read the one they had found. We did that a few more times. Suzie then asked us some questions like do you think your teachers tell you what you have to do and what you have to learn then we went to the playground for morning tea. For morning tea leithfield had brought some cake for us to eat and some fruit. When the crazy music started again we went back inside and sat in front of one of the teachers until everyone was back inside. We did some activities on leadership what we we wanted to get out of the day. We made a big poster on it was on questions that Suzie asked us and we answered them on our poster. Suzie gave us jelly beans you had to get between one  and three, how many jelly beans you got was how many questions you had to answer. Then we said what we liked about the day and what thort should happen next time. When we were back at school it was time to go home after a busy day.

Monday, April 4, 2016

good books

This is yet another book By Anh DO it’s a great book like all of her other books. Just like it says on the front cover it's extra weird. The best bit of this book is when his Mum enters a competition and you have to enter a dance team if you win you get 1 year supply of dog food so even though they don’t have a dog she made Dad do the dancing because he’s the funniest at it. WeirDo ending up doing it with him and they crowd loved it and they won, but they gave their dog food to a lady down the road that has lot of dogs.

Thursday, March 31, 2016


This book is very funny and will make you laugh even more than the original. The best part of the book is when Bella thinks he’s buying heaps of toilet paper for her birthday present but they are just buying lots of toilet paper because it's on special.

Polar Plunge

Today we had the Polar Plunge at school. Everyone that was swimming had to bring ice then drop it in the pool. Everybody that was watching had to take photos of people jumping into the pool. Mostly everyone was screaming when they had jumped in.
EB throws  his ice in.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

This weeks book

The book for this week is Weirdo by Anh Do. I chose this book because I have read it in class it’s really funny and easy to read. He has trouble fitting in at school because his name is weir-Do. It's a really good book if you have  read it make sure you comment on what your favorite part of the book is.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Juggling with Mandrains

We have started the NZ read-aloud group and at the moment we're reading juggling with mandarins, so that's why my book for this week is juggling with mandarins. It is very funny when we're are reading we all are in fits of laughter. I think you guys should read this book because it’s really good and easy to read.

Swimming sports

                                                  Swimming sports 

On Thursday 26th of February the seniors of loburn school went to Dudley Pool for there swimming sports of 2016. We went through the normal races, breaststroke, freestyle and backstroke; and then got to the part of the morning that all of the leaders get stressed about, because they have to organise where everyone is, how everything's going and if it's work or not. Waimakairi wasn't really stressed but I'm not sure about the other houses. Now to the races; we had lots of people in our house in the little pool so it took a long time to get to our pool and then we had to swim really fast to catch up again. We didn't win anthing but fun! There were four house races flutter board, noodle and balloon. In the end it was a great morning.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Thiving and surviving day at Ashely Gorge

 On Friday 19th February loburn school went to Ashely Gorge for thiving surviving day. We were in our house groups for the four activities. In my group was Milly, Jack, latesha, holly, lily, taymin and Max. First Aid was our activity that was first on our list. We built a stretcher made of sticks and sting we had to find the sticks but were given string and an example of a stretcher. We decided you use the example and got to work. We were finished before we knew it.

Now we were on to water there were two activities for water. River crossing and get the stick out of the bucket. We crossed the river in five's with the older people on each side and little ones in the middle. When we were on the other side Hugh's dad told us to try and walk against the current it was really hard. We swopped with the other group and played get the stick out of the bucket. The first round we had to block the holes in the bucket with our fingers, the second round we couldn't use our fingers so we stopped the holes with sticks. We lost both rounds but worked well together.

Now to making a shelter. You were given a tarpolen and twine. You could use sticks leaves or anything that you could find in the area that we were given. Our shelter was a bit like some of the others but different. The tarp was tied to two trees and two sticks which stretched out the tarp so you  could fit underneath. We had a big team so it was hard to fit everybody in underneath the shelter but we did it and it looked great! Nobody one because all of the teams could fit every one in there team in there shelter.

The fourth activity was food was really fun because we all had different things to make I made dip we made it out of sour cream and vegetables we all had a turn cutting something or mixing. We decided what we were going to put in the the dip and what we were going to dip into it. We put cumber and pepper in with the sour cream. The teachers said to come and put our food down to share our food everybody had finish apart from one of the teams that had something hard to make but they finished just in time everybody loved all of  the food that the teams  put out, but the damper bread was the best. 

The thing that I liked best about the day was that everyone worked together and listened to the teachers. I enjoyed first aid the best because all of my team was smiling and people got to know other people that they don't normally play with.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Good books

I'm going to now try to post a popular book every week.
The book this week is below.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Project 7

At the moment the year eight's are at hawdon hut so us year seven's are taking on the job of project seven. There are four groups Compost, Lost property, Garden and Chicken group. I am in the Chicken group. So far we have tied a piece of string to the ceiling with a silverbeet plant hanging from it. We made them a plastic bottle with grain in it to play with, they are enjoying playing with there new toys as you are reading this. We have also put up some green shade cloth to keep the sun and wind off them.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Waitangi weekend

On Thursday the 4th Feb. I had a  awesome day at school, then once I said thank you to John (the bus driver ) we were on our way to lake Brunner. It was a LONG drive there.The next day we put our boat and a friends boat in the water. Ella and I were on shore with Johno ( Ella's dad ) We were just about to get going then our boat caught fire! We didn't know until somebody on shore told us that there was a boat onfire. We turned and saw dad putting out the fire. There was smoke everywhere! We got them back on shore and saw that lily had lost some of her hair and Archie's eye brows had gone. The boat was now safely at the house and we were enjoying lots of water skiing and biscuiting with Johno's boat.We liked the next day because we could go on our boat again! We didn't want to leave but we said goodbye and came home.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


On Thursday 4th of  February, the year 7 & 8s from Loburn school travelled by bus to Rangiora Brough school for technology. We got there and waited for Ashley school to come. Then we got put into groups I was in cooking. We were told what we had to do to get everything ready. The kiwi classic dip was very good with carrots, celery and cucumber! We are taking ice cream containers tomorrow I wonder what we are doing with them?