Saturday, March 5, 2016

Swimming sports

                                                  Swimming sports 

On Thursday 26th of February the seniors of loburn school went to Dudley Pool for there swimming sports of 2016. We went through the normal races, breaststroke, freestyle and backstroke; and then got to the part of the morning that all of the leaders get stressed about, because they have to organise where everyone is, how everything's going and if it's work or not. Waimakairi wasn't really stressed but I'm not sure about the other houses. Now to the races; we had lots of people in our house in the little pool so it took a long time to get to our pool and then we had to swim really fast to catch up again. We didn't win anthing but fun! There were four house races flutter board, noodle and balloon. In the end it was a great morning.

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