Sunday, February 28, 2016

Thiving and surviving day at Ashely Gorge

 On Friday 19th February loburn school went to Ashely Gorge for thiving surviving day. We were in our house groups for the four activities. In my group was Milly, Jack, latesha, holly, lily, taymin and Max. First Aid was our activity that was first on our list. We built a stretcher made of sticks and sting we had to find the sticks but were given string and an example of a stretcher. We decided you use the example and got to work. We were finished before we knew it.

Now we were on to water there were two activities for water. River crossing and get the stick out of the bucket. We crossed the river in five's with the older people on each side and little ones in the middle. When we were on the other side Hugh's dad told us to try and walk against the current it was really hard. We swopped with the other group and played get the stick out of the bucket. The first round we had to block the holes in the bucket with our fingers, the second round we couldn't use our fingers so we stopped the holes with sticks. We lost both rounds but worked well together.

Now to making a shelter. You were given a tarpolen and twine. You could use sticks leaves or anything that you could find in the area that we were given. Our shelter was a bit like some of the others but different. The tarp was tied to two trees and two sticks which stretched out the tarp so you  could fit underneath. We had a big team so it was hard to fit everybody in underneath the shelter but we did it and it looked great! Nobody one because all of the teams could fit every one in there team in there shelter.

The fourth activity was food was really fun because we all had different things to make I made dip we made it out of sour cream and vegetables we all had a turn cutting something or mixing. We decided what we were going to put in the the dip and what we were going to dip into it. We put cumber and pepper in with the sour cream. The teachers said to come and put our food down to share our food everybody had finish apart from one of the teams that had something hard to make but they finished just in time everybody loved all of  the food that the teams  put out, but the damper bread was the best. 

The thing that I liked best about the day was that everyone worked together and listened to the teachers. I enjoyed first aid the best because all of my team was smiling and people got to know other people that they don't normally play with.

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