Friday, February 12, 2016

Waitangi weekend

On Thursday the 4th Feb. I had a  awesome day at school, then once I said thank you to John (the bus driver ) we were on our way to lake Brunner. It was a LONG drive there.The next day we put our boat and a friends boat in the water. Ella and I were on shore with Johno ( Ella's dad ) We were just about to get going then our boat caught fire! We didn't know until somebody on shore told us that there was a boat onfire. We turned and saw dad putting out the fire. There was smoke everywhere! We got them back on shore and saw that lily had lost some of her hair and Archie's eye brows had gone. The boat was now safely at the house and we were enjoying lots of water skiing and biscuiting with Johno's boat.We liked the next day because we could go on our boat again! We didn't want to leave but we said goodbye and came home.

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