Friday, April 15, 2016


Leaders Day
Today heaps of schools arrived at Leithfield school for leaders day. We all made nametags and said hello. Suzie was a person who ran the day she also had a friend that had gone to ,movie school and was filming some of us in a caravan. We talked about what our schools do and what we get involved in. We did some other activities then some music started playing all of us kids thought that it was very strange that the teachers were dancing around the hall like monkeys, but we joined in, it was quite fun in the end. A video was played about leaders and we wrote down who we thought was a leader, why they are a leader and what leaders do. We screwed our papers in a ball then threw  them around the room once Suzie  said stop we had to find a piece of paper then the last person to stop moving had to read the one they had found. We did that a few more times. Suzie then asked us some questions like do you think your teachers tell you what you have to do and what you have to learn then we went to the playground for morning tea. For morning tea leithfield had brought some cake for us to eat and some fruit. When the crazy music started again we went back inside and sat in front of one of the teachers until everyone was back inside. We did some activities on leadership what we we wanted to get out of the day. We made a big poster on it was on questions that Suzie asked us and we answered them on our poster. Suzie gave us jelly beans you had to get between one  and three, how many jelly beans you got was how many questions you had to answer. Then we said what we liked about the day and what thort should happen next time. When we were back at school it was time to go home after a busy day.

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