Tuesday, May 17, 2016


On Saturday I had to get up at 6.15 so we could go to hockey at St Bede’s  school. When we got there Hornby was already warming up. We got out our sucks and started to warm up. We did drills for the next half hour then the refs called for the captains so we could start the game. I was on the sideline  line with the coaches for the first five minutes. I was put in Phoebe’s place and she went into the wing. After a long time it was half time we all came running in to get our drink bottles. In the second half of the game I was on the sidelines until the last five minutes of the game then I went back into Phoebe’s place. At the end of the game it was a draw one all. After the game I had to go to my team’s game.

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