Wednesday, May 25, 2016

ANZAC Inquiry

This is Mine and Phoebe's presentation on Training for war. I hope you like it and can you please comment on this to give feedback.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Pony Club

Today I helped do pony rides at Southbrook early learning centre's open day, there was a Shetland pony named jeff his owner was 4 so she calls him jeff after the wiggles. I led him around the car park lots and lots of times before he had to go home.The preschool kids loved it!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


On Saturday I had to get up at 6.15 so we could go to hockey at St Bede’s  school. When we got there Hornby was already warming up. We got out our sucks and started to warm up. We did drills for the next half hour then the refs called for the captains so we could start the game. I was on the sideline  line with the coaches for the first five minutes. I was put in Phoebe’s place and she went into the wing. After a long time it was half time we all came running in to get our drink bottles. In the second half of the game I was on the sidelines until the last five minutes of the game then I went back into Phoebe’s place. At the end of the game it was a draw one all. After the game I had to go to my team’s game.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Good books

This is the story that Zoe,Annabelle,selena and i are reading at school at the moment. It is based on a true story  about a town that has been taken over by turbans and girls are not allowed to leave the house. I’m not going to tell you anything else about it.  It’s a really good book and i think you should read it. My favorite thing is when they are traveling in the truck.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The wolf

The wolf
The wolf was waiting deep in the woods for a little boy named Joe. Joe  was a very bad little boy, so the wolf was sent to come and find him. He could smell and hear him that means he's close thinks the wolf. He walked around the corner and there was Joe whistling to himself. The wolf crept up to him then…. BOO! Joe leapt out of his skin and started to run away, he thought that the wolf was going to eat him. The wolf was very concerned he didn't know why people always run away from him. So he sat where all of Joe’s stuff was left hoping that he would come back for it.

After Joe had been hiding from the wolf for hours and hours, Joe thought the wolf had been and gone by now so Joe went back to his stuff to find that the wolf had lit a fire and was roasting marshmallows for afternoon tea. This time Joe didn't run away because the wolf was standing on two legs and talking to him about why Joe had spray painted the whole town, after all this was why the wolf was sent to find him in the first place.
They had been talking for a while and the wolf knew why Joe had painted the town in spray paint. It was because Joe’s father had just recently died in a car crash so he had to let out his anger. Now Joe was crying because he was thinking of his father’s death. Wolf convinced Joe to come back to town with him so he could stay with his family, once they got to Joe’s family’s house they all were crying because they were so happy to see him !
The wolf stayed hidden while Joe was with his family because his boss said that he must not be seen by anyone else but Joe on this job because people will wonder why there is a wolf walking around on two legs and is talking to a little boy. When Joe came back out to see the wolf he wasn't crying he was smiling so they said their thanks and goodbyes then Joe left and was never needed in that town again because Joe put everyone in a good mood.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Length explain everything

Last term we were learning about measurement. The video below is an Explain Everything about Length as  this the topic we became experts in. We hope you learn something from this clip.